We want to say a HUGE thank you to everyone who was involved in our 10th annual SEND Careers Conference this year, and we hope that you enjoyed it as much as we did!
You can view the slides from the presentations by clicking on the links below. Please note that not all slides are able to be shared, and videos are not currently available.

Hear all about the amazing Tomorrow College – a true value chain of early career development that is leading to employment for more young people
In conversation with an ex-AP student and how careers could be approached for young people
Careers Advice and Guidance for neurodivergent young people – getting it right
Helping young people with SEND into self-employment.
Presenting a case study on using Enterprise to increase employability skills and outcomes in AP
See our new career development programme MORE for mainstream/AP/SEMH/PRUs
Get the latest updates that support your careers work around Inclusion including resources
How to use the principles of supported employment for work experience
Discover our SEND careers programme – Careers at EVERY Level used in over 400 special schools
Present a value chain of early career development leading to better career outcomes for all
Presenting the new SEND Talentino Tycoon Enterprise Competition with £1000 of funding!
DWP Advocacy Team have provided the following links to YouTube playlists on ‘ Understanding PIP‘ and ‘ Disability Living Allowance (DLA) for children‘. They have also provided their awareness sessions going forward for external stakeholders:
Find out more about Accessible Apprenticeships and ‘no EHC Plan’ – Supported Internship project