what is Your CICO Profile

CICO ® stands for Core Interest Career Orientation .By discovering how strongly you agree (or disagree!) with a range of statements, you will identify which Core Interests will motivate you and make you happy in your career, and just as importantly, which will not motivate you so you can good career decisions from the start.

Remember – there are no right or wrong answers ,this is all about helping you identify your Core Interests to make you happy in your career. It is important to note that the CICO Profile will also show you what does not motivate you. You can learn a lot from what you don’t like, just as much as learning from what you do like!

Feedback from students who have used the CICO ® profile to help inform their early career decisions

As well as hearing great things from students, we have also had some great feedback from parents and teachers who describe CICO ® as powerful, thought-provoking, positively challenging, and team-building. Parents also comment on being able to see their child’s natural career orientation more clearly helping them support their child better.

How It Works

1. Create an Account

Answer a few basic questions to set up your account

2. Completing your CICO ® Profile

Indicate how strongly you agree or disagree with the statements by clicking on one of four emojis. Take the time you need but your first response is the best one

3. Discover what motivates you and makes you happy

Your CICO ® Profile will show the Core Interests most important to you, you can use this information to inform future career decisions.

Find out what motivates you, be happy in your career!

Talentino brings a unique energy to the careers landscape

We have spent over ten years helping young people identify their CICO ® profile and making career decisions that will make them happy.

CICO ® is a specially designed profiling tool that enables a young person from the age of 12 to identify their core interests and career orientation, helping to inform their career decisions from the very first decision they need to make. CICO ® was developed by Talentino’s Founder based on a model she discovered during a course at Harvard Business School which identified the basis of making choices that make you happy in your career. Used by young people for ten years in a card-based format, it is shortly to be available as an App. For students who are disengaged, perhaps in SEMH, PRUs or AP settings, CICO ® can engage them in thinking through their futures in a positive light through meaningful information and support

What Others Say

Start exploring your Core Interests today,
and get a strong start to your Career Development!